Month: February 2010

  • Tax Return

    So I just checked my bank account to see if a few bills had cleared and there was WAY too much money in the account. Confused, I perused the activity. Turns out, my tax return deposited this weekend despite the fact that ever time I checked on Where’s My Return I was told that the IRS had nothing on file.

    Now I can go pay more bills.

  • A Very Important Post about a VERY Important Date


    You have a very important date!

    Come see Alice in Wonderland at midnight next Thursday night/Friday morning (evening of March 4th/moring of March 5th) in IMAX 3D on a FLAT screen (no dome like in Huntsville) at Opry Mills 20 & IMAX in Nashville, TN.

    Tickets are $17.25 after taxes and processing fees and can be purchased here.

    I’ve set up a Facebook Event for RSVP purposes. Once we see how many people are going, we’ll work out caravanning an other sundry details. My plan is to leave Huntsville around 2000 (8PM for those of you not inclined to 24-hour time formating), arrive at the theater around 2200 (10PM) and get our seats early. You will probably want to bring folding chairs in case there is a line. I attended The Dark Knight‘s debut and they started letting people into the theater at 2230 (10:30PM).

    You’re more than welcome to bring as many guests as you like; both you and your guests need to RSVP.

    Please do not RSVP until after you have purchased your tickets. Neither I nor the group are responsible if you get to the theater without a ticket. I hear the weather will be cold that night and I’m not sure Regal will let you bum in their lobby. ;)

    Any further details can be discussed on the Facebook event page or in the comments below.

    See you at the theater!

  • Huntsville Beer and Blogging

    Some time ago, [info]ehowton posted about the difference between an introvert and extrovert being how one recharges, not how they go about their daily life; ergo, a social-butterfly is not necessarily an extrovert–in fact, they would be an introvert if they recharged by introspection. (Eric, if you can find that post, I’ll edit this one and link to it.)

    Last week, I attended Huntsville Beer and Blog for the first time, hat tip to [info]mrs_dragon‘s post here (see #80).

    The meet up was very enjoyable, free-flowing table-long discussion that didn’t stop until the last person left. Several new Twitter connections were made, tech conversations abounded, etc.

    I was introduced to Leo Laporte and then ran into him twice this week on the Net; you’ll especially enjoy the explanation of how the Old Spice Superbowl commercial was filmed. I was also introduced to the concept of barcamp because @bnbhuntsville is planning one for April 30th. (site, Twitter) I even threw out my idea for a social experiment (tentatively launching next Wednesday) and got excellent feedback. Overall, I was impressed and happy to have found a group that I thought I was going to fit into really well.

    I couldn’t wait to go back this week and have more fun. What started out as horsing around on Twitter between @Harold, @shaggerty and @Alarican turned into a much worthwhile attendance tonight. @Harold made his third appearance since @bnbhuntsville started meeting and I must say he was a very valuable addition to the conversation. @shaggerty served humanity simply by showing up after I had given up hope that she would attend, but the biggest surprise came from @Alarican: Turns out, we have lived in the same apartment complex together for over a year and a half! We hit it off immediately and I look forward to spending more time with my new friend and friends.

    While en passant it would be nice if I would have found about about @bnbhuntsville when it first formed, I’m reminded that everything has a time and a place and I’m glad that I got involved with @bnbhuntsville when I did.

    To everyone who didn’t make it out tonight that was there last week, I hope to see you next week.

  • Rachel Maddow calls Les Phillip a racist Jim Crowe supporter…even though he’s black!

    We all knew that “Madcow” was an ignorant fool, but this goes beyond priceless.

    Want to make a difference? Give a dollar or a five-spot to Les as polite “up yours” to Madcow, then sit back and have another good laugh!