Month: April 2010

  • Thoughts on Student Loan Poll

    Rasmussen just released polling data on the new student loan plan. Here’s the money quote:

    Support for direct government involvement in the student loan market is highest among adults ages 18 to 29 and those who earn more than $75,000 per year.

    I’m going to take a stab in the dark here, but my guess is the people who are in favor of the loans will be the ones that benefit the most. The 18-29 demographic has a clear motivation: they are the ones signing up for the student loans. They want the government more involved either because they think that Obama and the Democratic party is the best thing since sliced bread (hey, free money for school!) or because they think that they won’t every have to pay for the loans.

    Those making more than $75,000 are either those who have already made their money and think that they are being altruistic or were born into wealth and don’t want to shoulder the personal cost of higher education. The latter would be specifically true of those who fall into both demographics discussed here.


  • Mo Brooks, Supporters Trample the Constitution


    In his haste to shill for Congressional candidate Morris Brooks, commentator Dale Jackson trampled the Constitution. Jackson, a former solider who took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States blasted the Les Phillip’s campaign’s staunch position on looking to the Nation’s founding document for answers. Phillip is the only candidate in the AL-5 race that has served in any branch of the military and has repeatedly reaffirmed his oath to the Constitution on the campaign trail.

    Also not an answer to everything… “The Constitution”.

    –Dale Jackson, Commentator

    Oh vey! The Founding Fathers may not have all been county commissioners with $60,000 part-time jobs or radio show commentators, but they were men dedicated to forming a government where the people controlled every level of government. They also saw to it that there was just enough power for the government to be effective without it being dictatorial or oppressive.

    When asked to defend his trashing of our founding document, Jackson made this comment:


    Q: Where is the political center?
    A: “The constitution” What?

    Jackson’s flippant write-off of the law of the land is the same egregious attitude that allowed Obama Democrats to pass a so-called health care reform bill which mandated that every person in the country buy health insurance. It’s this kind of elitism that allows a person to say, “We know better than the people who founded this nation. We have all the answers that you the plebes are too stupid to comprehend.”

    Such arrogance does not reflect well on Congressional Candidate Morris Brooks who has claimed his entire campaign that he is the front runner in this race. If this is his brand of politics, Brooks needs to stay home and continue to make petty little points while forcing business to to purchase healthcare for legal foreign workers, playing minor-league second-fiddle to Obama’s national major-league game .

    We already have a Congressman despised both both sides of the isle. Though the Good Doctor Parker Griffith will look you in the eye and lie, his opportunism is a known quantity. The only leadership Brooks has show is that of substituting his own political agenda for the law. Why else would his supporters so readily trod on the second most sacred document in the world?

    Brooks would do well to distance himself from overzealous supporters like Jackson and issue a statement of condemnation…if, of course, Brooks intends to uphold, defend, protect and abide by the Constitution of the United States.