Month: January 2011

  • Coffee Party Supports Partisan Rule Change; Claims to be a Bipartisan Organization

    The Coffee Party–A top-down Team Obama run astroturf organization, despite their claims to the country–is at it again. From the email:
    Support Senate Filibuster Reform. On Wed. January 5th, the first day of the new session of Congress, the U.S. Senate will vote on a crucial change to cloture rules allowing a simple majority of 51 votes – instead of the current 60 – to close debate and allow the Senate to vote on legislation. Ending the constant threat of filibuster would go a long way toward easing the hyper-partisan gridlock we witnessed in the past two years.
    You can see a similar call to action on the Coffee Party’s blog here.

    This is nothing more than a very thinly-veiled Democratic Party–sponsored lobbying. Democrats have only a the thinnest majorities in the Senate: 51 – 47, with two members of the chamber (Joe Lieberman and Bernie Sanders) independents that caucus with Democrats. Because the Democrats lost their veto-proof majority in Congress, they want to continue their iron grip on the Senate instead of seeking true bipartisanship by including Republicans at the negotiating table.

    While the Senate is free to change the rules of the chamber any time it pleases, this is exactly the kind of partisan behavior that the Coffee Party claims to oppose. The Coffee Party ought to be ashamed of itself and issue an immediately apology for playing to the Democrats tune on this issue. If the Coffee Party were an organization built on principle and character as they claim to be, supporting this rule change should never have been a topic of discussion.

    The audacity of the Coffee Party to claim that the past two years were run by corporate interests is also laughable. While trying to blame Republicans as being lackeys of corporate America (which continues to suffer as a direct result of President Obama’s policies) without naming names, the Coffee Party has conveniently forgotten that it was Democrats that had a super majority in both houses and did not need a single Republican vote to pass any legislation. The fact of the matter is that the country is in the shape it is in because of a Democrat controlled White House coupled with a Democrat controlled Congress with two Leftists appointed to the bench of the Supreme Court.

    As President George Washington told Thomas Jefferson, the Senate is where the storm in the teacup of the House goes to cool off. The Founding Fathers designed Congress to gridlock so that no legislation could be hastily enacted by any one special interest. The rule change that the Coffee Party is supporting would fundamentally change the Founding Father’s plan and would allow Democrats to continue their partisan efforts in the Senate.

    Please call your senator today and tell them not to cave to the phony demands of the Democrat-facade astroturf called the Coffee Party.