December 13, 2005

  • My Name is George Baily

    I have come to a conclusion: the two film characters I can identify with most is George Baily and the Titanic. Why the Titanic? Because I feel as though my only purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others. Why George Baily? Because it seems that no matter what I do, I’m trapped doing the same old thing that I was doing ten years ago. I’m still toying with computers, but I’m not a true hacker because I lack the appropriate amount of skilz to consider myself to be one. For example, I should be well-versed in *nixen but alas, I am not. I can code, but what worthwhile tool or program have I produced? I should know how to crack networks and be familiar enough with TCP/IP and related protocols that I should be able to write my own network exploitation suit. Or Hell’s bells, even be able to write a halfway decent GUI. But I have not.

    Film too is problematic. Spielberg directed his first movie when he was 13. By 15, he had a 30 minute feature in the can. By 18 he had a 140 minute feature in the can. Was it good? Can’t say, never seen it. Comment on difference between me and him in a moment. By 22 he’d directed a Movie for TV…Colombo no less. So by 22 he firmly had his career path established. When he was 26, the movie that would push him over the top, Jaws debuted. He started early early early and has been all the better for it. I mean, he didn’t waste all that time like I have. I’m 20.5 and what credits do I have to my name? Being AD on a shoot for a trailer that didn’t follow the story of the movie that it was supposed to be representing and a small commercial that probably no one has actually seen because it is all being run @ 0300. Ok, so I did edit something on the Cornerstone DVD, but because I lost the first half of it and because there are glitches in windows, the damned thing skips like it’s a Tony Scott film. Except it isn’t. And it doesn’t look good. And it sux!

    Now then, the difference between Steven Spielberg and me is that in his early years he wasn’t afraid to release something that had flaws in it. I on the other hand want everything done right and want it done right the first time. Perhaps this is a major (but certainly not the only) factor in why I don’t have more credits to my name.

    Please note that I’m note that the only reason I’m obsessed with credits isn’t to have the ability to wave it in somebody else’s face; rather, it’s having the ability to say, “I do have the credentials to work on this project. I want to work on it, I’ve been successful in the past, I have the money to pay for it my own self, so it’s mine to make.”

    The weekend
    This weekend was horrible. Don’t remember too much about Friday or Saturday, other than I took my mope and eat buddy out to eat for the umpteenth millionth time. Earlier that week, we’d dined at O’le Hidleburg. This weekend we went to Red Lobster. It had become apparent to a good friend of mine that mope and eat buddy has been just using me for quite some time. If not that, I was letting myself be used by indulging a champagne taste on a beer pocketbook. In fact, 75% of the balance on my credit cards is where I paid for both our meals. At first, I didn’t mind because it was under control and he was suffering from relationship problems. I at least thought that it was a good idea. But towards the end, it became apparent even to me that all we were doing was spending money that I didn’t have.

    Earlier on this blog, you were told that currently I am jobless. This remains the case. (more on that in a bit.) The point is the night I quit, my neighbor went to fill in for me at Godaweful establishment. When he tried to leave work that night, the battery had died. Spendmymoneybuddy and I had just returned from Red Lobster. When informed about the situation I called up Spendmymoneybuddy. He didn’t want to jump it off until in the morning, even though he’s an insomniac like the rest of us. The last time I saw him was when we jumped the car. I told him I’d take him out to our local haunt one more time for auld lang sine, but the schedule got a little weird. Days and nights started running together. Sleep patterns were non-existent other than I didn’t sleep.

    Stayed up all day Saturday and Sunday. Could feel that strep/mono shit coming back which I’m currently nursing. Had a job interview yesterday. The GM has the final say and wasn’t in yesterday, so…Woke up this morning ready to die. Nose all whacked and dry/sore throat. I could get Dad to call something in, but what would be the point? Got some stuff he gave me a while back. Gonna use it till it’s gone. Maybe by the time I wake up tomorrow this will be gone. But history says I’ll suffer for a week. I need to find a job. But I can’t go like this. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

    The Screening
    What made for an entire pissy day/weekend was the Screening. As I said, didn’t sleep Saturday night, so I went to the great town of Oneonta—eh. We arrived extremely late as Stephen had pushed things to the last minute. Upon arriving, we discover that there isn’t a handy DVD player. Upon reflection, I think that the church had one, but there wasn’t time to find out/piddle with trying to get into the storage closet.

    Headed for the house because I told them that I needed to pick some stuff up anyway and I figured I could nab the player from the house. When I got there, it was locked. Went by OCOG to nab a DVD player from there. Elisabeth handed me one. When I get back to Cornerstone


    Did you get the remote?


    No. Why?


    Just follow me.

    On the way to Walmart, he explains that he needs the remote to peruse the menus and such. Otherwise, there would be no go on making a presentation. We run in, buy a DVD player which we intended to take back and batteries. Then to Radio Shack for needed cables/adapters. In all, I think I spent about $60.

    We get back to Cornerstone and service is just letting out. I frantically search for 2 1/4″ cables. Then power. Getting everything connected. Checking levels. Toney (the guy who taught me everything I know about sound) kept running after me telling me to calm down. It was just like old times.

    That wasn’t the only thing that was just like old times. What was also like old times was everyone wanting to placate. Me wanting to do my job and talk to no one. Me ignoring the placations making things happen.

    Ultimately, we snuck the DVD to the usher and his cat. No one stayed. Several families had recitals to attend, so that was understandable, but still. The only people who stayed the entire length was Jesse and his folks and missionary Mike Taylor. I had thought that the original Mrs. Right had left, but 75% of the way through she showed up and was highly interested. As soon as it was all over, I hastily tore everything down. She was asking Stephen where he’d had things printed, how much did it cost, etc. etc. She was the only one who showed real interest besides just wanting her something for nothing. Apparently, there’s a Russia reunion planned for the 28th that I have already decided that I will not be in attendance. This would be the official debut.

    Frankly, I think that besides my existence, this was the biggest waste of time I’ve ever been involved in. No one cared. And to top it off, I got some really bad news this weekend.

    Bad news goes here
    Bumped into Sunni. She said that the Pub Board won’t meet until after classes resume next semester. You could tell she was really disappointed with me. I am disappointed with me.

    I’m still jobless and sick.

    I did the whole alienation thing to my parents again. I told them that while I’d be in town I couldn’t attend their play that evening unless they were going to carry me back to Huntsvegas. Walked in the house after the flop was all over to return the DVD player that we never used and pick up the CDs that I had left from last visit. Walked out the door with them begging and pleading for me to stay, knowing full well they weren’t going to give me a lift back home. The whole thing was a mess. I should have never went Sunday.

    To top it off, I got word of how a certain person’s weeding went off. This is a son of a prominent Cornerstone Church member. His mother had commissioned Jesse to do either two or three different videography projects for the weeding. We kept trying to get the weeding, but to no avail. Jesse told me that there was someone there who taped the wedding from the balcony with no zoom lens and using only the shotgun on the camera to mic. Bastard! We’re betting he charges them a grand and that it will be just the footage: no post production work, no menus, no color adjustment, no nothing. Hell, we could have done that for a fourth of the cost, it still would have been better, and we’d be clicking our heels all the way to the bank. I hope they hate every frame of it and feel like the got ripped off.

    Then to piss me off even more, I find out that someone tapped the play at Mom and Dad’s church, put it on DVD and sold it. Fucking bastards! Oh yeah, a potential client in Cullman just made a DVD too. Remember the big bids that I kept talking about a couple of months back? That was with the Etowah Youth Symphony Orchestra (EYSO). We thought we were going to get two concerts. The idea was that we’d come in and do a professional job. I don’t mean just professional for us or the great State of Alabama. I mean professional even on Hollywood standards. We were going to have commentary tracks and professionally duplicate. My plan was to take the DVDs from there and go to Cullman to persuade this potential client to do the same, albeit on a smaller scale. But they (EYSO) turned us down so I never made it to Cullman.

    The thing that pisses me off about all of this is that people who don’t know what the fuck they’re doing are making shitloads of money doing what we can do professionally. So now, just because someone has a camera (and we’re talking one of those shitty $400 jobs, not the $4000 that we’re about to drop for the XL-2 notwithstanding being in possession of an XL-1) and a copy of Windows movie maker, they think that they’ve got a new cottage industry. Well fuck that! I haven’t wasted my life to be counted with the peasants who derogate what me and my colleagues strive so hard to perfect.

    This is exactly the reason that I hate Microsoft. They’ve helped raise a generation of people who think they know what they’re doing because they can point and click. It’s great for technology to be in the hands of the people. But assholes who don’t give a shit about the medium just give people like Stephen, Jesse, and myself a bad name. While we strive to make sure that things come out right and stay true to the artistic vision, many more are clogging the tubes. No wonder Episode III made so much Goddamned money! People don’t demand excellence anymore. They just want to be amused. Well, fuck them! Why don’t we all go back to fucking ENIAC? It worked.

    I had a conversation with someone a while back and the comment was made that they wouldn’t be surprised to see vinyl come back into style because it was “cool”. People, we keep going forward for a reason. I don’t get it. I just don’t. Sometimes I think it’d been better off if I were never born, thus completing my earlier remarks about knowing that my name is George Baily.

Comments (21)

  • You’re an idiot.

  • I write four pages of text, and that’s all you can say?

    Where’s the gratitude?

  • You asked for it, here it is. How effective do you think getting pissed off at someone else’s drive and resoursfulness is? Let’s put it another way: You have a $4000 camera and a professional suite of software. Some asshole has a $40 camera and Windows Movie Maker. They’re making money hand over fist and you’re not. Why? Answer that before you start hating your life because you lack imagination and the fortitude necessary to complete projects.

    Ok, using once again your scenario; We have you, with your fancy-schmancy setup, and your pitiful ‘woe is me’ attitude, trying to sell your self and your abilities? NO ONE WILL EVER HIRE YOU TO DO ANYTHING EXCEPT MOW THIER LAWN if you show up and mumble your offer to them while looking at the ground and kicking the dirt. Tell me you don’t do that, I DARE YOU! The way you’ve been carrying on in here I cannot imagine you approaching anyone with confidence and aspirations of greater things. Now imagine that I’m the client. I’m looking for someone to do this job. I get you, moping up to me telling me about your setup and what you can do all the while bitching about…I dunno, the weather and your job and lack of any romantic attachments all coming through in your demeanor. Then I get some asshole with a $40 camera and Windows Movie Maker, who’s THRILLED and EXCITED about LIFE and approaches me with ZEST and JOY IN HIS LIFE! Who the fsck do you think I’m going to pick to do my job???

    Oh, and good job on alienating your parents again! Just remember, NEVER EVER EVER go out of your way for your folks. If they can’t respect YOUR requests, or YOUR needs, SCREW ‘EM!

    There’s more, but your apathy, and then your complaints resulting from your apathy, are well, I suppose well deserved.

    Consider the following from Calvin Coolidge, then tell me where you fall:

    Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
    Talent will not.
    Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
    Genius will not.
    Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
    Education will not.
    The world is full of educated derelicts.
    Persistence, determination and hard work make the difference.

  • yannow, if you keep preaching that message, it just might sink in one of these days.

  • I hand you my answer in clear, precise text, and that’s all you can say?

  • BTW…WTF is George Bailey?

  • you don’t know who George Bailey is? Have you never seen It’s a Wonderful Life?

  • Yes, he was a man with both a vision and the fortitude to stand by his values. How are you like him again?

  • I am like him because we both had visions of leaving the small towns that we were in and doing great things in life. Neither of us got that oppurtunity.

  • Did you learn NOTHING from that movie?

  • I have so far entriely boycotted that movie.  In fact, it has now become my goal to die never having seen it.  Oh, how wonderful the small things in life are. 

    In two plus one hyphenated word: Howton is spot-on…

    I have to add this….Lucas may never be considered a master of film from an artistic point of view, but he excels, no, is ‘sweet perfection’ in one cinematic area….He is a master of giving people EXACTLY what they want.  Truth be told, he is probably very creative on a artistic plane, but he would rather have the ‘cash’ and the adoration of millions of fans, then to win some cheeky, artsy-fartsy award at sundance.  How many extremely creative geniuses died penny-less? …tons.  Ill be the first to admit it…I would rather be master at giving a paying audience exactly what they want, and sell out a little bit, and drive around all day in a lipstick-red Bugatti.  Would it mean anything to me if I was a world-renouned musician but im eating ramen for breakfast, lunch and dinner?  Screw that!  What kind of life is that??  I dont want to be respected for my mind, living below poverty-level, suffering for my ‘art’, only baggin arty chicks with hairier armpits then mine….bring on the lights, the annoying paparazzi, the invites to the playboy mansion, the $40,000 schwag-bags at the awards shows….have I made a point yet?

    Ok, here it is:  Tom, are you tailoring your ‘art’ to what other people (not you) are interested in?  Furthermore, you dont have to go all the way and sell out in order to make your ROI on a $4000 camera worth it.  I dont give a flying flip if you have a $15,000 camera, thats your business, and your requirement.  Im only concerned with the end result…and I dont want something that looks like it came out of an art-house studio. 

    I can speak on another level here.  I would much rather stay a few extra minutes and watch a film, then go to some crummy recital that my daughter is in.  How many dads in the audience would have stayed if you mated your film with what interests them and draws their attention??  I love my daughters more then anyone or thing else on this planet, but a few more moments to watch something of actual entertainment value is worth being late to a recital, or skipping out entirely.  Besides, I can guarantee you that at least 2 a-holes with $400 video cameras taped the whole bleedin thing and I could watch it later. 

    Am i making any sense yet?   ….and im spent.

  • yeah. i’m going home for Christmas. dorms close tomorrow.

  • Mazzzle, mazzle, Danzigfried!

  • what’s wrong with It’s a Wonderful Life Spielberg watches it right before he directs his each of his movies. There’s something worth saying right there. Go see it. It’s one of his and my favorites.


  • Ok, here are the comments as promised.

    Response to Eric
    Zest for life or lack thereof has nothing to do with not being getting any of the jobs mentioned. We didn’t get the orchestra because he simply didn’t want to spend the money. Without divulging his private affairs, suffice it to say that I have ample proof of this and any of the Blue Portal Teammebers will back me on this. Until being informed the other day by my sister that the potential client in Cullman had commissioned a DVD, the possibility seemed remote. Perhaps just picking up the phone and making a sales pitch might have done it. We now know for next time. There wasn’t anything to do at my parent’s church because they didn’t hire it done nor would they spend the money. As far as the wedding was concerned, I wasn’t working that contact. Why we didn’t get that job, I’ll never know. Ask Jesse if you want. (stormreaver)

    Lack of imagination is irrelevant in any and all of these cases, unless you include the possibility of doing the work for free in exchange of total control and rights to the capture of said performances. To sweeten the deal for those we’d be recording, we could offer to use the material as samples to show other potential customers. Perhaps we did lose some ground by not doing this.

    Fortitude necessary to complete projects would only be applicable in the sense of conducting a successful marketing campaign as far as this discussion goes.

    I did not alienate my parents again. I had communicated to them at least three times before my arrival that I would not be able to stay for the performance nor would I be able to chat when I went to the house. Therefore, I chalk this one up to a gross miscommunication at worst.

    I would love to hear what other comments you have in mind. Criticism duly acted upon builds character. Surely you would not want to deprive me from this much-needed opportunity.

    I agree that I haven’t been beating the pavement like I should have should I truly desire to live off of videography as I make my way towards film. Be that as it may, there are a significant number of impassable obstacles that would have to be either obliterated or gotten around before I could achieve said goal. Perhaps persistence is applicable in this case. What is the case is the need for additional capital to secure the much-needed equipment to work the size and scope of the projects we desire to produce.

    Response to Dan’s comments
    You see Dan, that is the difference between you and me. You make movies for the world; for fame; for power. If I have understood your admission correctly, you would rather make editorial decisions that alter a completed (but not yet shipped) product—even if it meant several more months of production—simply to produce a product that would make more money even though it would destroy the story and ultimately just be another one of those corny Hollywood movies, i.e. something that’s already been done before, albeit repackaged. I, on the other hand, make movies because I have to tell a story and stay true to that vision. I don’t care what the audience thinks.

    Critics said that Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1 was “a stench to the Royal ear.” Yet, it lives on immortal and is one of the more distinguished piano pieces ever written. My point is this: if it’s a good story and you have an excellent execution in that each department was on the top of it’s game, it will show and you will be remembered in the long run, regardless of what your contemporaries say. I defy you to say that Citizen Kane is rubbish.

    As for the Cornerstone DVD…this is a tough nut to crack. It isn’t about tailoring to someone’s interest…it’s a different group at that church that would take 3 months of Sundays to psychoanalyze. I’ll have to get back to you on that one, Suffice it to say that you make an excellent point, but the fulfillment and execution thereof is…the subject matter and material is just lacking…then again, some it was stuff not accessible due to a link problem that is being corrected.

    Watch It’s a Wonderful Life. There’s a reason it’s a classic. And much like you’re beloved Star Wars, it has a cult following. Unlike your beloved Star Wars, it actually has depth and was brought into mainstream television by viewer/fan demand much like Family Guy was put back on the air due to Internet petitioning. Oh yeah, check out your boy’s credits…nothing more than Shit Wars and Indiana Jones. Hmmmm. Lot’s of creativity there, eh? Bullshit! At least Spielburg has a library of a legacy. Lucas? A franchise that will likely be forgotten in a hundred years.

  • Eric’s paraphrased version of the above:

    “Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.”

    Thank you.

  • Eehowton is out for your guts, man! Are you all that bad?

    Anyways . . . life is life . . .

    So, which do I prefer? Well, in the visual viewing pleasure and convenience, of course the movie is preferable. But in the thrill of the moment and absorption of emotions, of course the stage. Now in performance . . . I’ve never been videoed by more than a home camera on the holidays, so I have no clue. But yes, I am a theatre geek/nerd/obsessee, and adore the stage, on and behind.


  • Tony, I don’t want you feeling left out. Just been busy here lately. I love leaving and receiving the comment “Ass.” With that one word, you say so much and a barage of defense or apathy is sure to follow.

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