Month: December 2005

  • Mice and Men

    I have a plan to go back to school. It works like this: take Cal C and Linear Algebra in the spring Calhoon summer/fall to transfer in GREs and then whittle away on the CS/MA degree…of course, that doesn’t work because I don’t’ have the money for school and there isn’t enough time to get Fin Aid reinstated. So…

    Went to Ol’ Hiedieburg in an attempt to get a job…apparently they don’t have as many positions as they said they had…need to go back to Office Max and see what they say about PDS…

    Going home this weekend so I can spend $400 on getting the brakes worked on…possible additional problems related…repeat mantra about car.

    Just when I thought I had a plan…now I’m stuck doing what I said I never would do again…perhaps it’s time to take a leap of faith and go to LA. But that won’t work either. Looks like the only thing that I could do at this point is join some branch of the service…

    Suddenly, I hate my life…AGAIN

  • apathy and lethargy

  • Quotation of the Week
    I don’t know why that [estimate] so expensive. They must get paid more than we do.

    I Hate My Life, Part Infinity+1

    I know some of you are wondering why I haven’t updated even though I keep leaving comments on your blogs. Well simply put, life’s been too busy and wasn’t too bad…until today. But I digress upon subject matters which I shall divulge in good time. Speaking of divulging, there’s a lot of comments that I need to reply to but probably won’t get the chance to. So, if there’s something you really want to know, post it here and I will answer in due course.

    Where to begin? As you all know, I got a job at a house of ill repute i.e. they treat me like a hoe and work me like a dog. When I close, it’s ok because I can do whatever the fuck I want to and get away with it just so shit gets done. Last week, I almost quit that job, especially after the fourteen hour day. That was rough. ’nuff said.

    The weekend was great because I didn’t have to work. Naturally, this weeks sux because I have to work.

    My Life is a Charlie Kaufman Script
    One step forward, three steps back. Have a good weekend just chillin’ and working on the Arête and what happens? I go back to work to get all fucking mopy and depressed. AGAIN. Try to save a hoe, but the hoe don’t want to be saved. Try to finish the Arête, but there are hang-ups that are beyond my control.

    Start to take pride in my car, and it has ice on not only the outside but also all the insides of all the windows…the damned thing is unsafe to drive. Perhaps I should set up a Paypal account so people will donate to get me a new car so I won’t kill them if we pass each other on the road. I was so pissed tonight about my car I had my neighbor drive…that was after I threw the keys across the parking lot because the lock had froze and the key didn’t have enough force to unlock it. Almost busted out a window. And there’s no heat in there. It was like riding a fucking block of ice down the Goddamned highway.

    On Saving Hoes
    What does Cpt. Savahoe supposed to do when the hoe doesn’t want to be saved? I just don’t get it.

    The Gayness of LJ
    Live Journal is so fucking gay. I mean, think about it. It allows you to tell what mood you’re in at the bottom of the post. I don’t get it. If you can’t write cohesively enough for us to get it when we read it, do you really think that the damned smiley and the emotion you’re feeling is going to help us get it? I think not.

    Speaking of Charlie…
    I already know what my Valentine’s post will be. Straight from Charlie. So there! :P

    Well, that’s enough delirious ranting for one night. Don’t’ ask me to write again when I have nothing to write. To reiterate: I HATE THAT FUCKING CAR!!!

  • Boondocks

    I’m surpirsed no one bit on that last post. It wasn’t meant to be offensive…it was supposed to be hilarious just like the cartoon Boondocks. I mean, just imagine the character of Slandingo in his matching purple Fedora and suit…oh nevermind. It seems the best ideas are wasted…Howton: what have you done to curse my blog?

    In other news, I just finished a 14 hour work day on 1.5 hours of sleep, so I’m filled with dilerium. If you want to debate the previous post, perhaps I can do so tomorrow after court provided I have the energy and the correct frame of mind.