November 30, 2010

  • Picking Up a Turd by the Clean End

    Sen. Mike Johanns (R-Nebraska) has proposed a Senate vote to repeal the 1099 boondoggle imposed on the American people courtesy of Obamacare. The vote is scheduled for tomorrow.

    Originally a document to track contract labor, Obamacare–in an effort to be deficit neutral–now compels businesses to issue a 1099 to any company they do business with in excess of $600. Buy a new laptop? Send Apple a 1099. Buy a new company car? Write the dealer a 1099. Despite a gross violation of Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights, this domestic spying program is designed to track every dollar in the economy so it can be taxed to pay for the oppressive regulation. (For more information, click here.)

    Contrary to conventional wisdom, repealing this confiscatory requirement is not in Senator Johanns’ best interest. By relieving the oppression of the Obama administration’s most prized legislative accomplishment, Senator Johanns accepts the premise that the Obamacare legislation is basically good and simply needs refinement, repealing domestic spying via tax documents being one of the necessary refinements.

    But this is an attempt to pick up a turd by the clean end; it simply can’t be done.

    It was Democrats that were swept to power in the 2008 Presidential election and it was Democrats that passed the Obamacare legislation. Democrats have their grubby, fecal matter-infested handprints all over this abortion of a law. Trying to salvage any piece of this legislation is a caliber of blunder that borders on treason.

    Senator Johanns would do better to wait until the new Congress is installed before pursuing any action on Obamacare at which point he should push for a full repeal. If Democrats want to vote against a full repeal, it will be their heads that will role as the economy comes to a grinding halt. Those Democrats that dare vote to keep in place confiscatory practices will pay the price at the polls in 2012 making the Republican’s pickups in the recent election cycle look minimal compare to the gains they would be guaranteed because of the repulsive yoke about the American people’s neck called Obamacare.

    The 1099 oppression in Obamacare fails to be repealed. Another day passes and Democrats still own their abortion.

Comments (9)

  • He may know fully well it will fail.  While I know it’s an oxymoron, (or maybe redundant, with these folks, it’s the same thing lol) he is merely playing politics.  By pushing the issue, it is bringing this spying to light.  How many people out there really knew about it?  Yes, a few did, but now, hopefully, a few more will.  It’s nearly a given that the democrats will not allow this part of the bill to be overturned.  Or any part for that matter.  And in there may lie the secret.  When the democrats vote to not allow the repeal of this portion of the bill, it very well may rally the right in congress to veto the entire bill when the new congress convenes. 

  • @grim_truth - Keep in mind that this was brought to the floor of the House in September and failed.

    You may have a point about bringing this up for a vote again so that it stays in the public’s mind. On the flip side, I think that if this does somehow make it through the Congress, it will likely become unsigned law. Doing this, will only benefit the Democrats and Obamacare,

    Full repeal or let the Democrats wallow in their own mire.

  • @grim_truth - We need to let our representatives in both houses know that what we want is nothing less than a full repeal. This bill wasn’t just written, it was concocted over several years (by one of Obama’s progressive organizations, no less) and kept on ice till the time was right. It was then jammed through with no consideration to it’s constitutionality. We’ve actually got video of Pelosi showing her disdain for our Founding documents.

  • @ProfessorTom - @Irish_Russian - It could also be a method of advertising.  Remember this bill was so monstrous, very few know what it all contains.  By bringing some of the little things to light, they may be trying to garner support for the repeal.  There are a lot of folks out there who are on the fence when it comes to this bill.  If they hear about some of these other things, they may make up their minds and join in the fight in the repeal. 

    Personally, I would say go in a full blitz and push and push and push for the full repeal.  Another strategy would be small, little battles until the American people are fed up with all the revelations of what this bill contains, until they say “ok, enough, just repeal the damn thing already!”

    Either way, it’s still a step in the right direction.

  • @grim_truth - I’d say it was a calculated move on the progressive’s part to pass a monstrosity such as this. The “discovery” of what is really in it and the debate to follow will eat up so much time in both houses that Obama and his ilk will just push the narrative that congress is no longer relative. Then it’s time to work on the Supreme Court. The goal here, as I see it, is to leave the Executive branch the “Last Man Standing”. They are then free to implement their Progressive/Socialist/Communist agenda.

  • @grim_truth - First off, those of us who are informed knew this before the bill was passed. Shows like No Agenda jumped on this immediately.

    Secondly, I think that by chipping away at Obamacare, it presumes that that the bill is basically good. Eventually, people will think that the bad parts of the Obamanation is now sanctified and thus will become codified not just in law but in the minds and hearts of Americans.

    Then again, maybe you’re right. People on average are stupid.

  • @Irish_Russian - Now THAT’s an interesting theory.

  • @ProfessorTom - Straight from Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” – Overwhelm the system.

  • @ProfessorTom - That’s what I’m trying to view it from.  There are a LOT of people who have NO idea what is in this bill.  I think in general, they are more likely to grasp how horrible this is in small doses.  When they are confronted with it all at once, they tend to look at the folks who are trying to educate them as if they’re crazy or just an average partisan hack.  However, we can’t make the doses so small or so rare that they never grasp the concept. 

    You’re right, on average people are stupid…

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