December 22, 2010

  • Attitude

    The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, even a god-king can bleed.
    This is the attitude that the incoming Congress needs to take wit Our Dear Leader Supreme Dictator for Life His Royal Majesty Lord Barrack Hussien Obama, The Most Merciful. Sadly, I think they will lay on their shields and become human pin cushions.

Comments (7)

  • I wish I shared your optimism.

  • Saying they will be lying on their shields implies they will be coming into Congress ready for a fight.  I’ve yet to see anything in the Republican Party in indicate they are fighters.  They are quislings who look for any excuse to compromise.  I imagine that by the time the next Congress ends, they will be so fragmented as to no longer be a viable party.

    Welcome to the Democrat run America. 

  • @FKIProfessor - I think you need to read the post again. I said that the Republicans will, true to their form, snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

  • @Doomsday_Prophet - Saying they will be lying on their shields implies they will be coming into Congress ready for a fight.
    Perhaps I have used an inappropriate phrase. By “laying on their shields” I meant that Republicans will use their shields as a place to rest upon instead of as an instrument of defense and that as such, they will bear all arrows of attack.

    If the party is to break apart, I think this is the time for it and I think that the so-called Tea Party will take over what was the Republican party. The question then becomes does the new republican party embrace social conservatism? I’m torn on this issue. While I, in my daily life engage in social conservatism as it benefits me, I don’t believe that it is the place of the government to dictate to free people. On the other hand, I don’t want my personal life invaded by other’s un-conservative social behavior.

    And you raise a great point about the Democrats running America. I don’t think that this is a zero sum game. Just because the Republicans fragment doesn’t mean that the Democrats are automatically victorious. I do not believe that we will see the same kind of voting strength that favors conservatism in 2012 as we did in 2010, but that all depends on Our Dear Leader’s performance between now and then. The Democrat party has been in shambles for a long time. Let’s not forget that Obama’s 2008 victory can be more greatly attributed to the Republicans running a weak, non-conservative candidate and Bush fatigue than can be ascribed to Barry’s charisma or the Democrats getting their message out.

    It’s possible that we’re about to see party lines redrawn on both sides of the isle along with the districts.

  • LOL – I did read it. I was being sarcastic. ~_*

  • @ProfessorTom - Problem lies in the fact that Democratic constituencies vote in blocks, and they vote along party lines, not individually.  I got way too many relatives who are hard core Democrats.  They don’t vote issues, they vote party.  Hell, my sister in law was bellyaching about things before the last election, and on election day pulled down the “D” lever and voted straight Democratic again.
    And the issue for the conservative is who do you vote for.  Last election locally we had a choice between the Democrat incumbent and a Republican who was a career state politician who’s primary characteristic was missing the several salient votes here in the State that resulted in major changes that hadn’t been good for the citizens.  Look at the way the Republicans rolled over during the lame duck session.  It’s like they looked at Obama’s Christmas list and stuffed his stocking.  We had a Libertarian on the ballot, but his primary purpose was pulling off enough votes to give the Democrat re-election.
    Personally, I think the new bunch of Republicans are going to come into Congress and be back stabbed by the remaining holdovers from their own party.  We saw how long the “no earmarks” pledge lasted.  I think those who are expecting change are in for a major disappointment.

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