Month: April 2009

  • Keynesian Blogging

    April 9th marked my two year anniversary with my company. I started my delivery job two months prior to that, so April 9 also marked the two year anniversary of holding down two jobs simultaneously. Sadly, I’m still in debt proportionally as much as I was when I started working both jobs. At least I’ve learned something worthwhile in those two years. Too bad it isn’t enough to go out and get a six figure salaried job. :(

    As much as I don’t want to pay for the experience, I’m going to go see Angels & Demons which means you can count on a review on Montag’s Reviews. I also encourage Guy Montag to review and post about Angels & Demons himself as it could be enjoyable comparing and contrasting our thoughts.

    Speaking of reviews, I did see The Soloist earlier today and will review it momentarily (read after dinner plus however long it takes to write.) This business of waking up, going to the theater, coming home, going to bed until 1800, writing a review and going back to bed on Sundays is getting to be routine. Too bad there’s very little between now and the end of summer I actually want to go see.

    One thing’s for damned sure: I’m taking this Sabbath thing almost as seriously as a Jew.

    Depending on how much time and energy I have left after reviewing The Soloist, I might tackle some current events stuff–basically everything I wanted to write last week but didn’t get a chance to for whatever reason. Speaking of last week, I found that if I got off schedule by one little bit, it throws the whole writing week off. Because I was out late buying groceries Monday night, it meant that I was behind on my sleep schedule which threw off my work schedule.

    This week lent to some overtime that almost got fucked in the last stretch because of a faux pas from Programming. Thankfully, someone saw to it that we got builds after hours Friday, so all of my weekend upgrades were doable…except the one that I couldn’t connect to. Technically, I need to log on and do an hour’s worth of paperwork, but I think I’ll leave it for Monday morning. This way, I’ll have something to do Monday.

    Currently, Memorial Day Weekend (including Monday, of course) is open. I’d love to make plans with someone [Hint! Hint! Andi 8)]. I know I’m going home Mother’s Day weekend. If you don’t have anything planned for Memorial Day Weekend, give me a shout and we’ll see about getting together.

    It seems like there was something else I wanted to say in this post all weekend, but I can’t think of it.

    New readers, welcome aboard!

  • Urf Day

    This is a message from Uncle Al:

    Today is Earth Day, a day that we raise awareness of the dangers of American consumerism. Today, I would like you to ask your boss to turn off all the electricity in the building to lower your company’s carbon footprint.

    Send Google an email a messenger pigeon asking them to turn their servers off. Suggest that those sites who refuse to loose traffic to their SEO websites could purchase offsets from sites who agree to no longer be searched.

    Stop wearing non-hemp clothing. Those designer jeans are made by slaves in factories in third world countries. Those factories are owned by evil American corporations who exist only to pollute and make their CEOs get richer without sharing those profits equally with their workers. And when you wear things like leather or fur, we all know that it takes even more manufacturing and kill cute animals, bovine flatulence aside. If hemp just isn’t your style, consider becoming an nudist instead.

    Call the ISP of blogging corporations such as Xanga who allow Conservatives like trunthepaige and professortom to spew their rhetoric into the blogasphere atmosphere which causes temperatures to rise almost 100 degrees Celsius in the immediate vicinities where their blogs are read.

    Finally, write your Senator and Congressperson and urge them to quit subsidizing the automotive and aerospace industries. From manufacture to use of their products, these industries combined put more CO2 in the air than all aerosol spray cans in existence.

  • The State of State of Play

    State of Play blue shirt

    State of Play delivers on its promise to aspiring journalists to get adrenaline pumping and imaginations running wild as the viewer is treated to what it must be like to work a “real” story in a big metro. Crowe’s character Cal is a seasoned, “old-time” reporter i.e. print media. Rachel McAddams’ (who will forever be known as “the chick from The Notebook“) Della Frye is a snippy blogger who churns out more content more often than Cal. Though Della is labeled as unseasoned, this relationship isn’t played up like a buddy-cop franchise, vis-à-vis Lethal Weapon.
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  • A Quick Update

    [info]ehowton and I had a conversation about this week. We both agreed that this week’s pace of events was faster than “breakneck” and would take some time for everyone to catch their breath, distill the information overload and then report on it all.

    Tomorrow I watch and review State of Play. Also, I will attempt to put my thoughts together on the Somali pirates and the T. E. A. parties. Don’t forget that Wednesday is Urf Day. You can count on me to bring you an insightful post on how you can assuage your middle-class guilt over being a productive member of society.

    P.S. I just watched The Butterfly Effect for the first time Friday night. Now I really want Michael Suby’s score from La-La Land Records. I want it so much, I added it to my Wish List. Help me procure, Friends List!

  • The Lovable Sir Albert Gore Jr. is a Rightwing Extremeist!

    enviro gore

    The lovable Sir Albert Gore Jr. is considered to be a rightwing extremist according to Homeland Security’s latest report!

  • The Great Communicators


    I was so confident that no one would get this, I was willing to put up my own hard earned dollars.

    For those of you who don’t know, I ran a contest on my blog offering the first person who correctly guessed the answer to the only question in the contest either a $25 gift card or a year’s subscription to The Limbaugh Letter. No one came close to the right answer.

    Googling wouldn’t have helped either. There was only one news story that came up under a query that should have yielded hundreds of redundant stories about this issue. The competition question is as follows:

    What is the significance of today, April 10, 2009 in American politics?

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  • A Political Contest


    I said that I would run a political contest today on my blog and by God, I meant it! As always, life gets in the way of what we want to do. In today’s case, it was more of a Death thing–I had to pay my taxes! Fucking government.

    I was going to stick the contest on the end of today’s post, but that just wasn’t in the cards thanks to the great State of Alabama.

    Today’s contest consists of answering only one question. The first person to correctly answer the question in the comments below will have their choice of either a $25 gift certificate or a one year subscription to The Limbaugh Letter, compliments of me.

    The question is: What is the significance of today, April 10, 2009 in American politics?

    The answer will be announced on or about 1900 EDT, at which time the contest will be closed for entries.

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  • The “yute” of America

    In my younger years when I first started blogging, I thought I would do something great. I thought I would change the world. I thought I would take my God-given talent of writing and use it to write columns and articles that would instruct and inspire the “yute of America.”

    As a younger person (I’m less than a quarter century old), I never considered myself part of the ‘yute of America.” Call me egotistical, but I always believed myself to be a cut above the riff-raff and the rabble down there on the street. There was a period of time I considered myself an intellectual, but I’ve since repented of that sin. I have (because of the bias of being home schooled) considered myself one of the best and the brightest…until I dropped out of college. Twice! Since then I have become part of the riff-raff rabble I so vehemently hated.

    I suppose I should clarify. I don’t consider myself to be low class. I’ve always tried to be the best I can be. But I disappointed myself when I didn’t become a household name by age twenty-one. I haven’t had to resort to welfare. My parents didn’t and don’t give me money, no matter how dire my situation may be. I didn’t need a government program to provide for my needs and wants. Somehow, I’ve always found a way. And while I’ve not made headlines being heralded as the smartest man on the planet, I have always thought myself ahead of my time and born twenty years too late.

    I say all this to say that for quite some time now, I’ve wanted to write an apology on behalf of Supreme Dictator for Life, His Royal Majesty Lord Barack Obama, The Most Merciful. I wanted to apologize to all of the nations Lord Obama has apologized to letting them know that Barry doesn’t speak for the majority of Americans. We as a county–those of us who work here and pay not only our way, but support the welfare state that so many very, very patriotic illegal immigrants take for granted–we do not deign pay obeisance to any other nation or two bit ten horn dictator, nor do we wish for our elected representatives to either. When Barry talks about all the evil that his country perpetrated, we–the working class of America–thinks Barry’s referring to Kenya.

    So as I said, I’ve always thought of myself as better than the common man, but in reality, I have become the common man. I’m a nameless American that goes to work every day to pay my debt to society. It’s my curse for underachieving. Had I become the talented genius i always thought myself to be, I would be getting paid right now to not work. As such, it just wasn’t in the cards.

    So I thought I could use blogging–the most modern form of mass communication of well-thought ideas–to reach the masses, specifically those young people who had grown up ignorant under the thumb of the government. I wanted to challenge their beliefs. I wanted to shake them to their very core. I wanted to show them that there is a better way. But there are two points I forgot to factor into this equation: the so-called “yute of America” can’t read and those who can don’t possess the vocabulary or cognitive ability to engage in a serious discussion of issues.

    So I’ve given up on ‘em. I no longer care whether they get it or not. If the “yute” of America are more interested in whether or not Brittany Spears is wearing panties, let them. After they’ve squandered mommy and daddy’s money and realized their middle-age dumbfucks that don’t know how to work for a living, they can all fight over waiting tables. I am going to make something of myself so that if I deem their service worthy of it, they can have $5 of my hard-earned money as a tip.